„It was all about nature.“

by Lavran


„In Virginia, Nature was uncivilized. So we shot the scenes according to Nature. When the settlers came in there was a lot of fennel, they had to cut a lot of it, so we were very careful about not destroying the places where we wanted to have nature untouched. For example, we shot the birds in a very specific period. Terry knows everything about nature. He knows which birds migrate at what times. Sometimes he would say, ‚Shoot this bird now, but you have to finish before the end of August because it won’t be there any more after that,‘ and again: ‚The fennel will be gone by the end of September, so we should propably plan to have a crop at the right moment and the corn ripe at the right moment.‘ So they planned very much in advance and we shot it when it needed to be shot. This was the only restriction. It was all about nature.“

Kameraman Jörg Widmer o natáčení Nového světa
(Terrence Malick: Rehearsing the Unexpected, s. 286-287)